FAQ Topics

What makes an inflatable able to be used with water vs. not?

Hi Kaili, There are a series of things we will look at when designing a commercial inflatable to be used with water. Below are just a few general issues: 1) The inflatable will include a sprayer system when it is designed for wet use, so this is the main indication it can be used wet. Alternately, see our water inflatables category http://www.blastzone.com/commercial/water-inflatables 2) Because water acts as a lubricant, rider speed will increase, so this is accounted for when placing bumpers in the manufacturing design process, and calculating slide heights and angles. For example, with the dry bouncer, the magic enclosed obstacle, there is a bumper at the base to stop riders from running into the net. Water will increase rider speed, potentially making the placement of the bumper an issue and launching riders directly into the net. This is not good for the rider or the inflatable. 3) Water will seep into the inflatables, so wet inflatables will have additional seam covers, and liners for reservoirs such as splash areas, as well as other manufacturing features to minimize seepage. 4) Regardless, some water will still seep inside, so additional outlets are placed on the inflatable for draining and cleaning. Takedown and storage of a water-logged commercial inflatable will otherwise be impossible. Water inflatables are more difficult to use and clean, due to the draining etc. We never recommend wet use of dry inflatables for the reasons outlined above, which ultimately boil down to safety, setup, and maintenance. Because water inflatables are more difficult to design, use and maintain, the selection is not as widespread as dry inflatables. Hope This Helps, Blast Zone Support